Stands di antiquariato e modernariato tra cui presepi artigianali italiani e le meravigliose miniature artigianali in legno di A.Tatini
Stands di artisti e collezionisti
Soggiornate presso La Canonica di Cortine e concedetevi un tuffo nelle tradizioni del passato: per info e prezzi contattate il nostro ufficio allo 055 8072219 o mandate un'email a
On the ancient streets and squares of the medieval village of San Donato in Poggio Sunday, October 31, 2010 starting at 9.00am to 7.00pm will take place the "Santa Maria della Neve" fair with
Stands of antiques and modern including cribs of Italian craftsmanship and the beautiful handmade wooden miniatures of A. Tatini
Stands of artists and collectors
Stay with us at La Canonica di Cortine and enjoy a dip in the Italian traditions of the past: for infos and reservations please contact our office at 0039 055 8072219 or send us an email at
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